Dear all,
Upon comparing my results for the analysis between DESeq2 and EdgeR, I have realized that the 2 results obtained after DEG analysis are extremely different from each other. The thresholds I have set for upregulated genes are Padj < 0.05 and log2FC >0 and log2FC <0 for downregulated genes. I understand that both are different packages and hence can yield different results which have been mentioned in another post. However, there seems to be something more concerning in the 2 results I have obtained.
- Out of all the genes reported to be upregulated in both packages; 30% are common between the 2 packages (EdgeR and DESeq2)
- Conversely, when comparing genes reported to be upregulated in DESeq2 and reported to be downregulated in EdgeR, there is also a 30% overlap. In this case the 100% constitutes the total number of genes reported to be upregulated in DESeq2 and downregulated in EdgeR.
I am not sure what I could have done wrong. I have also ensured that I releveled both reference conditions to the control.
Thanks for replying! I have these 2 codes in different R scripts, therefore I named them a little differently. The different variable names refer to the same count file. The column names are a little different since I assigned the groups differently in EdgeR and DESeq2. I have used the meta data file for DESeq2 and defined the groups as 1: Control, 2: timepoint 2, 3: timepoint 1 in EdgeR.
I have used EdgeR to find 2 different timepoints, the timepoint1 vs control was the last comparison I made.
Sorry for the confusion caused!
No one here will be able to help you if you make so many arbitrary and unnecessary changes between the two scripts. If you want feedback, you need to demonstrate that you are feeding the same counts, meta data, design matrix and contrast to both packages.
Sure, sorry for the confusion. I will standardize everything before updating the post again.