I have a dataset with five time points and for each time point I have a set of control samples, a set A of treated samples and a set B of samples with a different treatment (these are not repetitive measures)
Now, what I want is to identify the differentially expressed genes between the control and each treatment at each time point. So at T1 - DE genes between Ctrl and Treatment A + DE genes between Ctrl and Treatment B; then at T2 - DE genes between Ctrl and Treatment A + DE genes between Ctrl and Treatment B; and so on ...
So as a full model I used Code should be placed in three backticks as shown below
ds = phyloseq_to_deseq2(Physeq_no_field, ~ Disturbance + Time.Points + Disturbance:Time.Points )
and for my reduced model I used
ddsLRT = DESeq(ds, test="LRT", reduced=~Disturbance + Time.Points)
Is that correct? Then I looked at individual comparisons using the Wald test
# for T1 - control vs TreatmentA
resT1_treatA <- results(ddsLRT, name="TreatmentA.Time.PointsT1", test="Wald")
# for T1 - control vs TreatmentB
resT1_treatB <- results(ddsLRT, name="TreatmentB.Time.PointsT1", test="Wald")
# Continue for each individual time point
# ...
Is that correct? Or am I making a huge mistake.
Note, this has been discussed in more detail here: [DESeq2] time series strain-specific differences over time