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Enter the body of text here Hi, I need to run this comand to generate the exonic.gene.sizes for a DGE analysis with DESeq2. For each gene I want to reduce all the exons to a set of non overlapping exons, then calculate their lenghts and sum them. My R session is 4.2.0 and the version of the package "GenomicFeatures" is 1.48.3 and the GenomicRanges is 1.48.0
exonic.gene.sizes <- sapply(exons.list.per.gene, function(x) {sum(width(reduce(x)))})
Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)) :
errore durante la valutazione dell'argomento 'x' nella selezione di un metodo per la funzione 'width': GRanges objects don't support [[, as.list(), lapply(), or unlist() at the moment
oh thank you so much James W. MacDonald...it worked!! I have been struggling for so long. May I still ask for your help? I am trying to see the clustering of my samples based on gene expression. It seems that the method bcv (biological coefficient of variation) has been replaced somehow! Is there something else I don't know about? It doesn't allow me to see any plot. Thanks again for your help