I want to use regutools to access some gene regulation information from E. coli. The original paper describing regutools (doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa575) mentions that:
the regutools implementation allows users to explore different versions of the RegulonDB database
However, I am having trouble understanding how this is done from the package. I initially thought that the database_version parameter of the regulondb() constructor function would be used to specify what version of the database one wanted to use. However, upon closer inspection of the source code I noticed that database_version is simply used to fill the corresponding slot of the new regulondb object, but it isn't actually used to query the server (in other words, it is a user-supplied metadata string that doesn't do anything in practice):
regulondb <-
database_version) {
stopifnot(is(database_conn, "SQLiteConnection"))
stopifnot(is(organism, "character"))
stopifnot(is(genome_version, "character"))
stopifnot(is(database_version, "character"))
organism = organism,
genome_version = genome_version,
database_version = database_version
So, given that this cannot be done with regulondb(), I went up one step and checked the connect_database() function, which is used to create the SQLiteConnection that must be supplied as first parameter to regulondb() . However, when checking the source code for connect_database(), I noticed that the function always looks for regulondb v10.8 and there is no way for the user to specify a different version. This goes to the point that, if connect_database() cannot find regulondb v10.8 in the provided AnnotationHub object, then it forces the download of regulondb v10.8 from an online dropbox folder:
connect_database <-
ah = AnnotationHub::AnnotationHub(),
bfc = BiocFileCache::BiocFileCache()) {
if (!is.null(ah)) {
## Check input
stopifnot(methods::is(ah, "AnnotationHub"))
## Query AH
q <-
pattern = c(
"RegulonDB SQLite database version v10.8",
"for the regutools Bioconductor package"
if (length(q) == 1) {
## Return the connection
## Otherwise, use the Dropbox version and cache it with BiocFileCache
url <-
destfile <- BiocFileCache::bfcrpath(bfc, url)
...and then I gave up. I am at a complete loss as to how a user can "explore different versions of the RegulonDB database" given that regutools seems to always look for v10.8, and the database_version parameter doesn't seem to be doing anything. Am I missing something very obvious?
Any help appreciated.