when I want to do pathway analysis by ChipPeakAnno package for my chipseq data after running bellow code I face this error : ''' Error in getEnrichedPATH(peakGrangeARDMSOe4, orgAnn = "org.Hs.eg.db", : The number of gene is less than 2.Please double check your feature_id_type.''' could some one who has any idea, help me for this problem? how can I resolve this error?
peakGrangedf, #this is original Grange file that I used for peak calling and annotation as well
pathAnn= "reactome.db",
feature_id_type = "ensembl_gene_id",
maxP = 0.01,
minPATHterm = 5,
multiAdjMethod = NULL,
subGroupComparison = NULL
this is the code that I tried and I faced mentioned error.