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Hello Everyone, I want to sort my sam files, I tried these 2 different commands but still not got the result properly. is there anyone who advise me in this case? I would really appreciate your comments.
1. samtools view -u ../SRR00000.sam | samtools sort | samtools view -h > SRR00000.sorted.sam
2. samtools sort -O sam -o SRR00000.sort.sam SRR00000.sam
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Is this s Bioconductor question?
Hi, have you checked the Samtools tutorial?
I am not sure why you are sorting .sam files, shouldn't you first convert to .bam?
samtools view -S -b sample.sam > sample.bam
samtools sort sample.bam -o sample.sorted.bam
Hi many thanks for your comment. I am sorting my SAM files because I want to recreate the data from the original paper. so I tried different way but the number of counts which I get after doing the HTSeqcount is smaller than the original data. That's why I am doing it. but in any case, still, my number of counts is smaller. I tried many parameters but not any changes. I did trimming as well. do you have some suggestion?
Sorting should not remove reads, though it might make the file smaller. Are you absolutely sure reads are being lost?