I have a question related to the multifactor formula design:
In my experiment, there are 12 rats with 3 genotypes. For each rat, 4 tissues from different brain areas were isolated.
Eat Genotype TissueArea 1 Hom Prefrontal cortex 1 Hom Cerebellum 1 Hom Corpus callosum 1 Hom Hippocampus 2 Het Prefrontal cortex 2 Het Cerebellum 2 Het Corpus callosum 2 Het Hippocampus . . .
My scientific question is the difference among 3 genotypes. So the formula should be design = ~ TissueArea + Genotype
What if I want to look specific tissue area? Like the influence of genotype in the prefrontal cortex. Can I subset the data for the prefrontal cortex and perform DESeq separately?
Thank you for your help in advance!
Thanks! But how to get the results for specific tissue areas? For example, if now I just want the results for prefrontal cortex to compare the 3 genotypes, how to extract the data?