I'm trying to prevent Diffbind from merging overlapping peaks in my bed file (TSS file with exactly 2000 bp widths) by setting DBA$config$mergeOverlap to a high number. But, it's still merging overlapping peaks as if DBA$config$mergeOverlap isn't working. I'm not sure if I'm using it incorrectly.
samples <- read.csv("TSS.csv")
tamoxifen <- dba(sampleSheet="TSS.csv")
tamoxifen$config$mergeOverlap <- 5000
tamoxifen.counted <- dba.count(tamoxifen, summits=F, bUseSummarizeOverlaps=T, score=DBA_SCORE_NORMALIZED, filter=0)
counts <- dba.peakset(tamoxifen.counted, bRetrieve=T)
normalized_counts <- as.data.frame(counts)
I'm still getting an output with peaks that are obviously being merged with other peaks.