DESeq2 interaction term + sva
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marinaw ▴ 20
Last seen 14 months ago


I am performing DGE analysis using DESeq2. I have two groups to compare: CTRL and SA, and I have performed a group comparison using DESeq2 and there's no issue with that.

However, I have males and females in each group, and I'm curious to see if there's an interaction between Sex and Group. Below is a snippet of my code attempting to use an interaction term.

My first question is, is my code correct? I need to simultaneously use the sva package and I'm unsure as to how to combine the code for sva and the interaction (see precise question below).

My second question is: Can I compare the number of DEGs obtained from a design formula that excludes Sex:Group (contrast = c("Group", "SA", "CTRL")) to the number of DEGs obtained from a design formula that includes the Sex:Group interaction (contrast=list( c("Group_SA_vs_CTRL", "SexFemale.GroupSA")))? Can I make inferences about the interaction between sex and group this way?

Side note: I have used some other methods to determine whether there is sexual divergence in gene expression, however, I would like to specifically see what using the interaction term in DESeq2 tells me.


#model for differential expression
DE_model_pre_sva <- formula( ~ pH + Age + PMI + Sex + Group + Sex:Group, data = metadata)

#make objects for DESeq2 analysis
DE_summarized_exp <- SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment(as.matrix(filtered_rawcounts), colData = metadata)
DE_dataset_pre_sva <- DESeq2::DESeqDataSet(DE_summarized_exp, design = DE_model_pre_sva)

#get median of ratios normalized counts
median_of_ratios_normalised_counts <- DESeq2::counts(DESeq2::estimateSizeFactors(DE_dataset_pre_sva), normalized = TRUE)
write.csv(median_of_ratios_normalised_counts, "median_of_ratios_normcounts.csv")

#obtain surrogate variables
sva_res <- sva::svaseq(median_of_ratios_normalised_counts, mod = model.matrix(~ pH + Age + PMI + Sex + Group + Sex:Group, data = metadata), mod0 = model.matrix(~ pH + Age + PMI, data = metadata))

Should I include Sex and Group in the mod0 while Sex:Group is included in mod? I'm thinking Sex and Group should be excluded in mod0, but I hesitate.

metadata$SV1 <- scale(sva_res$sv[ ,1])
metadata$SV2 <- scale(sva_res$sv[ ,2])
metadata$SV3 <- scale(sva_res$sv[ ,3])
metadata$SV4 <- scale(sva_res$sv[ ,4])
metadata$SV5 <- scale(sva_res$sv[ ,5])
metadata$SV6 <- scale(sva_res$sv[ ,6])

DE_model_with_svs <- formula( ~ SV1 + SV2 + SV3 + SV4 + SV5 + SV6 + pH + Age + PMI + Sex + Group + Sex:Group, data = metadata) # add interaction term for sex differences

DE_summarized_exp_with_svs <- SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment(as.matrix(filtered_rawcounts), colData = metadata)
DE_dataset_with_svs <- DESeq2::DESeqDataSet(DE_summarized_exp_with_svs, design = DE_model_with_svs)

#run DE analysis
DE_analysis <- DESeq2::DESeq(DE_dataset_with_svs)
resultsNames(DE_analysis) # check which comparisons are possible 

#### Assessing interaction
DE_dataset_with_svs$Group # check which group is the reference, first one is reference
DE_dataset_with_svs$Sex # check which sex is the reference, first one is reference
DE_dataset_with_svs$Sex = relevel(DE_dataset_with_svs$Sex, "Male") # change which sex is the reference
# if looking at males, make sure the reference is females, if looking at females, make sure the reference is males
DE_dataset_with_svs$Sex # check which sex is the reference (selecting males as reference)

DE_results <- DESeq2::results(DE_analysis, alpha = 0.05, independentFiltering = FALSE, contrast=list( c("Group_SA_vs_CTRL", "SexFemale.GroupSA")))

# Number of genes with padj < 0.05 for interaction
sum(DE_results$padj < 0.05, na.rm = TRUE)
sva DESeq2 • 806 views
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Last seen 3 days ago
United States

My first question is, is my code correct? I need to simultaneously use the sva package and I'm unsure as to how to combine the code for sva and the interaction (see precise question below).

For questions about setting up the statistical analysis, design, and interpretation, I recommend to consult with a local statistician or someone familiar with linear models in R. I have to reserve my time on the support site to software related questions.


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