The Results object is a matrix with -1 or 1 if a given gene is significant, so rowSums(abs(Results)) == 3L will give you all the genes that are in the intersection. You can then use topTable (with = "none"), and the indicator variable generated using rowSums to subset to the genes in the intersection for each contrast, and then merge as you see fit.
This is not a direct answer to your question, but rather a comment and some advice. In most cases you would be better of using the topTable already provided by
rather than trying to hack a new table from the Venn Diagram.
This table already provides logFC for all three comparisons together with an overall P-value for differences between the 3 phenotypes.
Thanks James, but can you please share script/code as i am new in this field.
Hi James, I have run the script and it gave me only column names and not data.
Yes. As I said, untested. When you ran the last line it had to have said
Because the last line should actually read