I am a non programmer trying to run syntenet for tomato genes. However, after the loading the sequences and gff file, the check input command returned " Names of list elements in 'seq' and 'annotation' must match". i have specified the path to both gff and fasta files using
gff_dir <- "C:/Users/HELLBAT/Documents/R projects/Synteny/model" fasta_dir <- "C:/Users/HELLBAT/Documents/R projects/Synteny/protein"
and ran
aastringsetlist <- fasta2AAStringSetlist(fasta_dir) grangeslist <- gff2GRangesList(gff_dir)
which worked file as the practice files. But when i run check_input() using
check_input(aastringsetlist, grangeslist) Error in check_list_names(seq, annotation) : Names of list elements in 'seq' and 'annotation' must match.
this error keeps popping even if i matched the gene_ids and specified the column.
I am new for R, so please kindly help!