I would like to ask for some advice/suggestions on the set-up of DEXSeq with multiple variables. I have 40 samples, including patients and controls (which I defined in the condition column). For each of them, I have Age, Sex, and the 3 principal components of the cell type proportions (I knew that the cell type proportion, sex, and age were affecting my result, so I wanted to correct for them). My purpose is to compare between controls and patients while considering age, sex, and 3 PCAs. How can I make the design formula?
Should I design the Full model as below?
FullModel = ~ sample + exon + condition:exon + Sex:exon+ Age:exon + PC1:exon + PC2:exon + PC3:exon
And then how do I have to consider the reduced model? Is the reduced model should only for the conditions?
ReduceModel= ~sample+exon+condition:exon
Or should I test for each variable separately?!
I am not clear with it, I would appreciate your advice please.
Thank you in advance!