I've read the instruction for performing likelihood ratio test. The example is clear but in the test dataset there are only two conditions (wildtype and mutant).
I have dataset with data for four maize lines two tissues and 12 time-points. I wonder if it is possible to make pairwise comparisons using full dataset.
Or should I
- Compute size-factors for full DESeqDataSet and use formula ~line + time + line*time (comparisons across tissues are not of interest)
- Subset the full dataset to contain only one tissue and two lines and compare them.
- Repeat step 2. for each pairwise comparison within each tissue
- Do FDR correction for all p-values ?
Thank you for response, apparently I still don't know much about statistics. In fact I want to campare time-profiles and the LRT has been proposed for this in the tutorial. If I use Wald test I'd have to compare time-points individually.
In that case, probably easiest to subset to the groups being compared.