Dear all,
I am trying to use the DESeq2
to conduct the differential expression analysis in time course experiments. I want to find changes of gene expression at different time points after compound treatment. Time point is the only phenotype to be included. I followed an example at
My group design contains 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, and 24 h, and N=3
for each group.
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = expr, colData = coldata, design= ~ Time)
dds_diff <- DESeq(dds, test="LRT", reduced=~1)
time_levels <- levels(dds_diff$Time)
> time_levels
#[1] "0h" "0.5h" "1h" "2h" "4h" "8h" "12h" "24h"
# Loop through each pair of time levels and perform pairwise comparisons
for (i in 1:(length(time_levels) - 1)) {
for (j in (i + 1):length(time_levels)) {
contrast <- c("Time", time_levels[j], time_levels[i])
res <- results(dds_diff, test = "Wald", contrast = contrast)
# extract differential results
res <- res[order(res$padj),]
pairwise_results[[paste(time_levels[j], "vs", time_levels[i])]] <- res
#GS_ID Num MaterialType RQN Time
#s_016 1 total RNA 7.5 1h
#s_017 2 total RNA 7.6 8h
#s_018 3 total RNA 7.4 24h
#s_019 4 total RNA 7.3 12h
#s_020 5 total RNA 7.6 2h
#s_021 6 total RNA 7.6 0.5h
#s_022 7 total RNA 7.6 0.5h
#s_023 8 total RNA 7.4 8h
#s_024 9 total RNA 7.5 0h
#s_025 10 total RNA 7.7 4h
#s_026 11 total RNA 6.4 1h
#s_027 12 total RNA 7.8 12h
contrast <- c("Time", time_levels[2], time_levels[1])
> contrast
#[1] "Time" "0.5h" "0h"
Actullay, I have also used the limma-trend
pipline to complete the analysis, and I want to compare whether I can get some similar significantly different genes by the use of these two piplines.
The comparison levels setting in limma-trend
is here. input was generated by using DGEList()
treatment = factor(coldata$Time, level=c("0h","0.5h","1h","2h","4h","8h","12h","24h"))
design <- model.matrix(~ 0 + treatment)
logCPM <- cpm(input, log = TRUE, prior.count = 3)
fit <- lmFit(logCPM, design)
fit2 =,my.contrasts)
fit.eb = eBayes(fit2, trend = TRUE, robust= FALSE)
my.contrasts = makeContrasts(
# versus baseline: 1:7
t05h_vs_t0h = t05h - t0h,
t1h_vs_t0h = t1h - t0h,
t2h_vs_t0h = t2h - t0h,
t4h_vs_t0h = t4h - t0h,
t8h_vs_t0h = t8h - t0h,
t12h_vs_t0h = t12h - t0h,
t24h_vs_t0h = t24h - t0h,
# vs 0.5h: 8:13
t1h_vs_t05h = (t1h - t0h) - (t05h - t0h),
t2h_vs_t05h = (t2h - t0h) - (t05h - t0h),
t4h_vs_t05h = (t4h - t0h) - (t05h - t0h),
t8h_vs_t05h = (t8h - t0h) - (t05h - t0h),
t12h_vs_t05h = (t12h - t0h) - (t05h - t0h),
t24h_vs_t05h = (t24h - t0h) - (t05h - t0h),
# vs 1h: 14:18
t2h_vs_t1h = (t2h - t0h) - (t1h - t0h),
t4h_vs_t1h = (t4h - t0h) - (t1h - t0h),
t8h_vs_t1h = (t8h - t0h) - (t1h - t0h),
t12h_vs_t1h = (t12h - t0h) - (t1h - t0h),
t24h_vs_t1h = (t24h - t0h) - (t1h - t0h),
# vs 2h: 19:22
t4h_vs_t2h = (t4h - t0h) - (t2h - t0h),
t8h_vs_t2h = (t8h - t0h) - (t2h - t0h),
t12h_vs_t2h = (t12h - t0h) - (t2h - t0h),
t24h_vs_t2h = (t24h - t0h) - (t2h - t0h),
# vs 4h: 23:25
t8h_vs_t4h = (t8h - t0h) - (t4h - t0h),
t12h_vs_t4h = (t12h - t0h) - (t4h - t0h),
t24h_vs_t4h = (t24h - t0h) - (t4h - t0h),
# vs 8h: 26:27
t12h_vs_t8h = (t12h - t0h) - (t8h - t0h),
t24h_vs_t8h = (t24h - t0h) - (t8h - t0h),
# vs 12: 28
t24h_vs_t12h = (t24h - t0h) - (t12h - t0h),
levels = design
# Contrasts
#Levels t2h_vs_t0h t4h_vs_t0h t8h_vs_t0h t12h_vs_t0h t24h_vs_t0h t1h_vs_t05h t2h_vs_t05h
#t0h -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0
#t05h 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1
#t1h 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
#t2h 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
#t4h 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
#t8h 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Here are my questions:
- Did I use the correct design and test methods in both
? - I want to know whether the comparison levels I set in
were consistent with those in thelimma-trend
pipeline? - Should I also use
to set the same comparison levels as in thelimma-trend
Thank you for your helping!
Jiahao Tian
Yes, I want to compare every time point to every time point.