Hi community! I am working with EPICv2 methylation data and converting it into GRanges objects for analysis. I have encountered four CpGs whose genomic position exceeds the size of the corresponding chromosome (in base pairs, bp). The positional information is extracted from the annotation of the IlluminaHumanMethylationEPICv2anno.20a1.hg38 package.
The CpGs in question are:
cg11930929_TC21 -> position: 152,640,955 on chr14, but chr14 size is 107,349,540 bp.
cg01734724_TC21 -> position: 189,373,481 on chr6, but chr6 size is 171,115,067 bp.
cg07146279_TC21 -> position: 140,288,268 on chr11, but chr11 size is 135,006,516 bp.
cg18295427_TC21 -> position: 125,359,061 on chr18, but chr18 size is 78,684,590 bp.
Has anyone else noticed this phenomenon, or am I making a mistake?