Hi there, I have trying to run the vsn normalization function, and it reported error:
Error: could not find function "normalize.AffyBatch.vsn"
Can anyone help me out with this?
normalize.AffyBatch.methods() [1] "constant" "contrasts" "invariantset" "loess" "methods" "qspline" "quantiles" [8] "quantiles.robust" "vsn" myData.VSN <- normalize.AffyBatch.vsn(myData) Error: could not find function "normalize.AffyBatch.vsn"
What is going on?
What is the difference between the justvsn() and the above functions?
Are you saying that the help pages for these functions are not clear? If so, will you please say what part you don't understand, so the maintainer has an idea how to clarify?