Hi, I have a dataset from RNAseq. I want to compared differential expression on GO terms. Expression of each GO terms is sum of gene expression in this GO. Can I use edgeR to compare GO expression between two conditions?
Thank you all for suggestions and comments.
Sum of gene expression in a GO term results from HUMAnN2. I think it still provides an aspect on expression of cellular function. I am comparing expression between two conditions not comparing GO terms within each condition.
I was trying to use deferential expressed genes to do GO enrichment analysis. But my project is about metatranscriptome. There are many different known and unknown organisms. Is it still possible to do GO enrichment?
I don't follow what you're saying in your update. edgeR provides three different ways to do GO enrichment (kegga, camera and fry). All of these methods do edgeR GO analyses and might work fine for you. Have you tried them? Does that not answer your question? If there is reason why you can't use these methods, what is the reason?