I have meta-transcriptomics data (RNAseq) and I used GAGE (v2.26.0) to find KEGG ortholog pathways differentially expressed. I have lists of KEGG pathways perturbed (in 1 and 2 directions) and I want to extract significantly DE gene list (in the same way as DAVID output). So, I use essGene function but sometimes I have no genes for a pathway with p.val < 0.1. I use same options in gage and essGene function as you can see in this extract of my code :
RESgage.kegg.genus.both <- gage(exprs=ExpressionData.ko.genus, gsets=kegg.sets.ko, ref=lf, samp=lt, compare = "paired", same.dir = FALSE ) output.bidir=RESgage.kegg.genus.both.select[RESgage.kegg.genus.both.select$p.val < 0.1, 1:5] listPathway=rownames(output.bidir) geneSet<-vector(mode = "character",length = length(listPathway)) for (j in 1:length(listPathway)){ termselec=listPathway[j] gs=unique(unlist(kegg.sets.ko[termselec])) essData = essGene(gs, ExpressionData.ko.genus, ref=lf, samp=lt, compare= "paired") essDataList=rownames(essData) geneSet[j] <- toString(essDataList) } output.bidir=cbind(output.bidir, geneSet)
If I set use.fold=FALSE in essGene, I obtain genes but I want DE genes considered by gage function. Can you help me ?
I don't understand how gage function can considere a pathway perturbed without gene significantly changed.