Dear Bioconductor communities,
I am analyzing RNA seq counts from GTEx website with degeR. The goana() function requires Entrez and RefSeq ids.
The original count data only contains ENSEMBL ids, so I need to map them to Entrez and RefSeq. The problem is one ENSEMBL id can map to multiple Entrez id, and one Entrez id can map to multiple RefSeq id. This makes it difficult to annotate "genes" in the "DGEList".
E.g.: Ensembl "ENSG00000223972" mapped to 4 Entrez ids: "84771" "727856" "100287102" "100287596", and Entrez "84771" mapped to two RefSeq ids: "NR_024004" "NR_024005"
So my question is how to address the mapping problems? Which is not one-to-one mapping.
Thanks a lot.