According to James: "... so I have added code to both the release and devel version of AnnotationDbi to do this for the arabidopsis chips as well."
The current release version of BioC is version 3.5, to be used with R version 3.4.0. See here.
You are using R version 3.3.0 (2016-05-03), which uses BioC version 3.4. In other words, you are lagging behind and will have to update R and BioC to make use of the 'fixed' functionality.
There is no ath1121501ENTREZID Bimap object, which is why you get that error. There is an ENTREZID column for the org.At.tair package, so hypothetically there could (or should) be one, but the central ID for Arabidopsis is the TAIR ID, so maybe that's why it doesn't exist.
Hypothetically we could go back and add one in, but the better course of action would be for Gabor Csardi to update his package to take advantage of the more modern select interface rather than relying on Bimaps, which are only there for backward compatibility.
The Bimaps are created by the AnnotationDbi package when you load the ath1121501.db package. This is technically a bug (the ENTREZID Bimap exists for the org.At.tair.db package, but not for the chip packages), so I have added code to both the release and devel version of AnnotationDbi to do this for the arabidopsis chips as well.
library(affy); library(limma); library(ape); library(gplots); library(Category);
library(ath1121501.db); library(GOstats); library(ath1121501cdf); library(eisa); library(gcrma); library(GO.db); library(KEGG.db); library(xtable)
(Extraction of control samples ommited)
#Control samples
[1] "GSM361976.cel" "GSM361977.cel" "GSM361980.cel" "GSM361981.cel"
[5] "GSM361984.cel" "GSM361985.cel" "GSM361988.cel" "GSM361989.cel"
[9] "GSM361992.cel" "GSM361993.cel" "GSM362168.CEL" "GSM362169.CEL"
[13] "GSM362170.CEL" "GSM362171.CEL" "GSM362175.CEL" "GSM362176.CEL"
[17] "GSM362177.CEL" "GSM362180.CEL" "GSM362181.CEL" "GSM362184.CEL"
[21] "GSM362185.CEL" "GSM362188.CEL" "GSM362189.CEL" "GSM362192.CEL"
[25] "GSM362193.CEL" "GSM362194.CEL" "GSM362197.CEL" "GSM362198.CEL"
[29] "GSM362201.CEL" "GSM362202.CEL" "GSM362203.CEL" "GSM362204.CEL"
[33] "GSM362207.CEL" "GSM362208.CEL" "GSM362211.CEL" "GSM362212.CEL"
[37] "GSM362215.CEL" "GSM362216.CEL" "GSM362217.CEL" "GSM362221.CEL"
[41] "GSM362222.CEL" "GSM362225.CEL" "GSM362226.CEL" "GSM362229.CEL"
[45] "GSM362230.CEL" "GSM362233.CEL" "GSM362234.CEL" "GSM362237.CEL"
[49] "GSM362238.CEL" "GSM362239.CEL" "GSM362240.CEL" "GSM362243.CEL"
[53] "GSM362244.CEL" <- ReadAffy (filenames =, celfile.path="GSE14578_RAW_cel")
pma <- mas5calls
gc.nor <- gcrma, fast = F)
# Keep only probesets present in at least three samples. <- rowSums(exprs(pma) == "P") >= 3
ex.set <- gc.nor[, ]
isa.nor <- ISANormalize(ex.set)
mo <- ISA(ex.set, flist = NA, thr.gene = 3,thr.cond = c(1, 2), no.seeds = 1000)
Error in get(paste(sep = "", annotation(data), "ENTREZID")) :
object 'ath1121501ENTREZID' not found
And the session information is:
> sessionInfo()
R version 3.3.0 (2016-05-03)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
[1] C
attached base packages:
[1] stats4 parallel stats graphics grDevices utils datasets
[8] methods base
other attached packages:
[1] xtable_1.8-2 KEGG.db_3.2.3 GO.db_3.4.0
[4] eisa_1.26.0 isa2_0.3.5 ath1121501probe_2.18.0
[7] gcrma_2.46.0 ath1121501cdf_2.18.0 GOstats_2.40.0
[10] graph_1.52.0 ath1121501.db_3.2.3 org.At.tair.db_3.4.0
[13] Category_2.40.0 Matrix_1.2-8 AnnotationDbi_1.36.2
[16] IRanges_2.8.1 S4Vectors_0.12.1 gplots_3.0.1
[19] ape_4.1 limma_3.30.13 affy_1.52.0
[22] Biobase_2.34.0 BiocGenerics_0.20.0
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] Rcpp_0.12.10 XVector_0.14.0 BiocInstaller_1.24.0
[4] tools_3.3.0 bitops_1.0-6 zlibbioc_1.20.0
[7] digest_0.6.12 annotate_1.52.1 RSQLite_1.1-2
[10] memoise_1.0.0 preprocessCore_1.36.0 nlme_3.1-131
[13] lattice_0.20-34 DBI_0.5-1 genefilter_1.56.0
[16] Biostrings_2.42.1 gtools_3.5.0 caTools_1.17.1
[19] grid_3.3.0 GSEABase_1.36.0 XML_3.98-1.5
[22] RBGL_1.50.0 survival_2.40-1 gdata_2.17.0
[25] splines_3.3.0 AnnotationForge_1.16.0 KernSmooth_2.23-15
[28] RCurl_1.95-4.8 affyio_1.44.0