Can someone please help to debug this error using the gseKEGG function in clusterProfiler ?
This is how I prepare the ranked gene list
> y=geneset$log2FoldChange
> names(y)=as.character(geneset$Entrez_Gene_ID)
> y<-sort(y, decreasing=TRUE)
> head(y)
362893 29219 116568 83585 83500 366957
7.763638 7.740288 7.731271 7.630551 7.594507 7.535680
and this is what I get from gseKEGG
> kk2 <- gseKEGG(geneList = y,
+ organism = 'rno',
+ keyType="ncbi-geneid",
+ nPerm = 1000,
+ minGSSize = 120,
+ pvalueCutoff = 0.05,
+ verbose = TRUE)
preparing geneSet collections...
GSEA analysis...
Error in data.frame(ID = as.character(tmp_res$pathway), Description = Description, :
arguments imply differing number of rows: 0, 1
Thank you
thanks for your comments. I think I need to update the code to throw more informative error in this case.