I use the command below to draw a heatmap below. However, I would like to label DBA_CONDITION with mediumpurple1 and orange; and label DBA_TISSUE with lightskyblue and orchid1. Could you show me how to do it? Moreover, may I use Sex instead of CONDITION ,and use feather type instead of TISSUE in the figure, and how to do it?
> dba.plotHeatmap(h3k27ac, attributes = DBA_ID, ColAttributes = c(DBA_CONDITION, DBA_TISSUE), colSideCols = c("mediumpurple1", "orange", "lightskyblue", "orchid1"), correlations = FALSE, colScheme = "Blues", scale="row", margin=13)
Best & Many thanks,
Hi Rory,
Thank you so much, and I am looking forward this new function.