Apologies in advance for the question-I am trying to make sense of RNA Seq and the stats behind it.
I am looking to use the transformed counts from DESeq2 as input to WGCNA. Since we are using a design when we create the DESeqDataSetFromMatrix before we get the counts (and depending on the factor/ combination of factors we use the counts slightly change), I was wondering if this would affect how WGCNA will correlate the modules with different traits (that might not be in the initial design).
An example:
I am trying to get transformed data counts using ~time_to_rebound (continuous variable, cut in 3 bins). In WGCNA I would like to see what modules correlate with age, time to rebound (as a continuous variable) and groupings of patients based on time to rebound but in different cut-offs.
Don't know if I making sense here but any help/ advice would be much appreciated!!
Thank you!!
Thank you Michael!
Just an update to this, I read the WGCNA FAQ a bot more carefully now and their advice is to use the DESeq2 vst transformation. So, the whole process would be to:
Would this bias my WGCNA if I want to look at the continuous variable as a clinical trait?
Thank you again!!