I am using derfinder (in region mode) for annotation-free DE. Then I want to match the DE regions to the nearest *upstream* known gene. For this it is important to know which strand the coverage is on.
However regionMatrix() produces regions that have no strand information. The result of fullCoverage has not strand information either. The $regions element of the regionMatrix output is already a GRanges object and I cannot think of any good reason why someone would define coverage regions as strand agnostic by default.
Is there a way to preserve or at least recover this information? I cannot find a relevant option in the derfinder documentation or a workaround posted somewhere on the web.
Our HPC runs R -3.3.3 with derfinder-1.8.5 (not the most recent, but I can't find relevant documentation in 1.10.6 either).
Updating packages on the HPC is a pain and prone to domino-effect errors, so any suggestions for a workaround that I could implement to re-add the strand information to the $regions (as opposed to using the latest dev version derfinder, should Leonardo decide to add the option) would be much appreciated!
I feared as much. That is the conclusion we reached in my lab too. So that's what I'm looking into, indeed. I was hoping there might have been an easier way. Oh well...Thanks! At least now I know I'm not overcomplicating it.