I am trying to analyze my data based on section 3.3 of edgeR and I got stuck in the fist part
design <- model.matrix(~0+Group)
colnames(design) <- levels(Group)
fit <- glmQLFit(y, design)
and getting this error :
Error in terms.formula(object, data = data) : object 'y' not found
What 'y" stand for?
Thank you for your answer, I do have different factor, I have two genotypes and 3 sampling from a different part of the plant in each genotype. I want to analyze both genotypes together using factor analysis with a genotype: stage interaction term. I did the analysis before using CLC genomics workbench and that gave me the mean counts number from 3 biological reps, therfore my though was that I can use those mean, instead of putting three count data from each biological reads. Can I do that?
No, you should be using the raw counts from the biological replicates. Otherwise there is no way to model the biological variability if you only have a mean count for every genotype-stage combination.
In any case, your description of the experimental design is not clear. Is "stage" the same as the different part of the plant? Or are the different parts of the plant your "biological replicates"? Were all samples in each group taken from the same plant? Please provide a sample table, like that in Section 3.2.4 of the edgeR user's guide.
Thnk you, the table that you asked is as follows: