I've searched for this without success and maybe there's a banal solution :) how do I keep in place a figure when I'm using BiocStyle to output a PDF? seems the default is floating, but couldn't find a way to change it.
Sometimes I find it useful to have the figure right before or after the text referring to it, without having the reader go some pages ahead to find it.
There is a knitr code chunk option fig.pos meant for the purpose of controlling the placement of floats.
When it is set to 'H' it will freeze the figure by unfloating it.
Note the uppercase which is important because this is a special placement specifier
which also requires the LaTeX package float to be loaded.
However, as pointed out by Yihui,
in order to get fig.pos to work in R Markdown
you will additionally need to specify one of the options: fig.align, out.width or out.extra.
I've updated BiocStyle 2.5.41 to do it automatically by setting out.extra ='' when fig.pos is specified.
Is your source a .Rnw or a .Rmd file?
.Rmd with RStudio, using knitR