I noticed the same problem as Daniel, when I tried to use ASpli. When I noticet that problem with my data I tried on example data adn problem is the same
Here is my sesion with example data
> annFile <- aspliExampleGTF()
> aTxDb <- makeTxDbFromGFF(annFile)
Import genomic features from the file as a GRanges object ... OK
Prepare the 'metadata' data frame ... OK
Make the TxDb object ... OK
> symbols <- data.frame( row.names = genes( aTxDb ),
+ symbol = paste( 'This is symbol of gene:',
+ genes( aTxDb ) ) )
> features <- binGenome( aTxDb, geneSymbols = symbols )
* Number of extracted Genes = 10
* Number of extracted Exon Bins = 38
* Number of extracted intron bins = 34
* Number of extracted trascripts = 25
* Number of extracted junctions = 23
* Number of AS bins (not include external) = 17
* Number of AS bins (include external) = 17
* Classified as:
ES bins = 1 (6%)
IR bins = 3 (18%)
Alt5'ss bins = 2 (12%)
Alt3'ss bins = 2 (12%)
Multiple AS bins = 9 (53%)
classified as:
ES bins = 1 (11%)
IR bins = 4 (44%)
Alt5'ss bins = 2 (22%)
Alt3'ss bins = 1 (11%)
> bamFiles <- c( "Ct1.bam", "Ct2.bam", "Mut1.bam","Mut2.bam" )
> targets <- data.frame( row.names = c("CT_rep1","CT_rep2", "Mut_rep1", "Mut_rep2"),
+ bam = bamFiles,
+ genotype = c("CT","CT", "Mut", "Mut") ,
+ stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
> targets <- aspliTargetsExample()
> bam <- loadBAM(targets)
> counts <- readCounts (
+ features,
+ bam,
+ targets,
+ cores = 1,
+ readLength=100,
+ maxISize = 50000,
+ minAnchor = NULL )
Read summarization by gene completed
Read summarization by bin completed
Error in x@start[] <- S4Vectors:::numeric2integer(value) :
replacement has length zero
> as <- AsDiscover( counts, targets, features, bam, readLength=100L,
+ threshold = 5)
Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) :
unable to find an inherited method for function 'AsDiscover' for signature '"standardGeneric"'
Any advice on that?