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Last seen 7.3 years ago
Dr Michael Lawrence:
Hellp, I use the rtracklayer to product the UCSC show with track, it work very well. But if the aim region are too much, is there have a option can direct get the UCSC url with the track, not the opened HTML........
It will very convenience to annotation the region file in bath, when use for cnv discover and annotation.
session <- browserSession()
genome(session) <- "hg19"
export(region, "Track12.bed")
restoredTrack2 <- import("Track12.bed")
track(session, "Track") = restoredTrack2
browserView(session,restoredTrack2*-10,hide=c("UCSC Genes","GTEx Gene","ENCODE Regulation...",
"Conservation","Common SNPs(150)","RepeatMasker"),
pack=c("Track","DECIPHER","RefSeq Genes","ClinGen CNVs","ClinVar Variants",
"GeneReviews","OMIM Genes","DGV Struct Var") )
and also when I RUN the command ,it is work well before , now it report the error like this....
Error in names(trackIds) <- sub("^ ", "", sapply(nodes, xmlValue)) :
'names' attribute [211] must be the same length as the vector [209]
In addition: Warning message:
In readChar(f, 1) : can only read in bytes in a non-UTF-8 MBCS locale
Should be fixed as of rtracklayer 1.38.2.