I was applying the "GOexpress: Visualise gene expression data using gene ontology annotations" (from October 30, 2017) step by step to my microarray data and everything seems to be working fine, except when I tried to filter my result with the subset_scores function.
I checked the results from the previous two steps (random forest algorithm using local annotations, permutation-based P-value for ontologies) and they nicely compare to the example in their structure and content, but when I go on with filtering I receive a list as a result containing the relevant columnnames but 0 rows. ("<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)")
I manually checked whether my input list even contains rows that fit to the filter criteria, and yes, there should be several rows that match (total_count=5, p.val=0.05).
Thanks in advance!
Regards, Sina
Dear Sina,
Any chance you can email me a minimal reproducible example (MWE) of the issue, so that I can examine the issue myself? If possible the input list that you are working with?
You can export the list as follows:
saveRDS(name_of_your_list, "file_name.rds")
and email me the file.
My email is available if you enter at the R prompt:
Otherwise, any example that I can use to reproduce the error will do.
Thank you,