I am using QSEA and while loading bam files, I am getting error like this... What could be the possible error...??
Error in validObject(.Object) :
invalid class “PhredQuality” object: undefined class for slot "elementMetadata" ("DataTableORNULL")
My script goes lik below,
sample_name <- c("N", "T")
file_name <- c("N_Cleaned.bam", "T_Cleaned.bam")
group <- c("Normal", "Tumor")
sex <- c("female", "female")
samples_NSCLC <- data.frame(sample_name, file_name, group, sex)
Chromosomes = paste0("chr", 1:22)
Chromosomes <- c(Chromosomes, "chrM", "chrX", "chrY")
qseaSet=createQseaSet(sampleTable=samples_NSCLC, BSgenome="BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19", chr.select=Chromosomes, window_size=500)
and getting above mentioned error,
Thank you so much, Matthias. It really helped me a lot. I have updated all modules and it started working like a charm.
Hi Vivek,
I am happy to hear that it works now. Can you please "accept" the answer if your issue is fully solved?
Best, Matthias