I imported my data from tximport and run the following:
ddsTxi_all2 <- DESeqDataSetFromTximport(txi.kallisto_gene, colData = s2c, design = ~ summary) dds2 <- DESeq(ddsTxi2)
Later, I saved 'dds2' to my local disk and all the following analysis were based on this dds2. Recently, I got the sex information and added
dds2$sex <- as.factor(c(rep("male",20),rep("female",12),rep("male",2)))
And now, I want to see the DEGs from the sex difference.
dds2<- DESeq(dds2)
results(dds2,contrast = c("sex","male","female"))
does not work because it's not in the resultsNames(dds2). Anyone knows how to deal with this? Is there anyway to do it from dds object? or do I need to reload all those kallisto files to Deseq2 again?
Thanks for your time & best regards,
Thanks, Michael.