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Holger Schwender
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Hi Gregor,
use, e.g., the function list.siggenes, i.e.
> list.siggenes(sam9,0.9)
to obtain the gene names. You can also use something like
> summary(sam9,0.9)
There you also get the gene names and additionally some statistics.
This is, however, also explained in the vignette of siggenes. You can
this vignette by
> vignette("siggenes")
or if you use siggenes_1.4.0 (that's the BioC 1.7 version) under
click on
Vignettes --> siggenes --> siggenes
> --- Urspr?ngliche Nachricht ---
> Von: "M a r c e l" <benco81 at="" hotmail.com="">
> An: bioconductor at stat.math.ethz.ch
> Betreff: [BioC] called genes after SAM anaylsis
> Datum: Wed, 02 Nov 2005 16:33:11 +0100
> Hi there!
> My aim was to get about 100 called genes out of the sam analysis
which I
> have achieved doing this:
> >sam9 <- sam(filtered, cl, delta=0.9, rand=2)
> the delta of 0.9. gives me 120 Called genes:
> >sam9
> SAM Analysis for the Two-Class Unpaired Case Assuming Unequal
> Delta p0 False Called FDR
> 0.900 0.570 8.920 120.000 0.042
> and I now want to get all the Called genes to perform further
> (heatmap and so on). how can I do that?
> I?ve tried several things like:
> called <- sam9$Called
> but with no success.
> Thanks to everyone!
> cheers,
> gregor
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