Hi all,
My question concerns testing interactions using the group design and the use of lfcShrink():
As a short intro, my experimental design:
- three treatments: control, mild, severe
- three developmental zones: mer, elo, mat
Before lfcShrink() was introduced, the resultsNames() function would produce all groups formed and you could simply use the contrast function to compare groups:
> resultsNames(dds_withint_forgroupanalysis) [1] "Intercept" "groupcontrolelo" "groupcontrolmat" "groupcontrolmer" "groupmildelo" "groupmildmat" "groupmildmer" [8] "groupsevereelo" "groupseveremat" "groupseveremer" results(dds_withint_forgroupanalysis2, contrast=c("group", "mildelo", "controlelo"))
Now, the same analysis does not yield these groups anymore but comparisons with "_vs_" (DESeq2 v1.18):
> resultsNames(dds_withint_forgroupanalysis2) [1] "Intercept" "group_controlmat_vs_controlelo" "group_controlmer_vs_controlelo" "group_mildelo_vs_controlelo" [5] "group_mildmat_vs_controlelo" "group_mildmer_vs_controlelo" "group_severeelo_vs_controlelo" "group_severemat_vs_controlelo" [9] "group_severemer_vs_controlelo"
(Q1) Can you still use the results produced by the contrast functionality with the group names, e.g. controlmat, mildmer, ... (even though the names produced by the resultsNames()-function are different, e.g. group_mildmer_vs_controlelo)? Because it still produces LFCs, pvalues, ... For example:
results(dds_withint_forgroupanalysis2, contrast=c("group", "mildelo", "controlelo"))
Concerning lfcShrink(): In another post (https://support.bioconductor.org/p/98833/#98837), it is advised to work with coef instead of contrast. Here I understand that you can use each coef present in the resultsNames() output. Yet there are only 9 contrasts shown (many more are possible) and some of the contrasts which I want to use are not represented, for example: group_severemat_vs_controlmat.
(Q2) How can I overcome this and use the coef for all possible contrasts? Now I have to do contrasts where I compare all the groups (related to my first question), yet using contrasts and coefs generate different LFCs (as explained in: https://support.bioconductor.org/p/98833/#98837)
For example:
lfcShrink(dds_withint_forgroupanalysis2, coef = 7) lfcShrink(dds_withint_forgroupanalysis2, contrast=c("group", "severeelo", "controlelo"))
Thank you in advance!
Kind regards,
DESeq2 version: 1.18.1, R-version 3.4.4.
By the way, if you have many groups and you know you want to shrink the LFC’s between many pairs of them, you should probably instead use betaPrior=TRUE and then results(). This will be a lot faster, because you only estimate the shrunken coefs once. Also, I will continue to support this usage in the future, to keep it backwards compatible.
Dear Micheal,
Thanks a lot! Using betaPrior works just fine for me!
Kind regards and happy Easter,