Hello Everyone,
I'm new to RNAseq world and Rstudio in general and I want to analyze a couple of bamfiles from illumina.
So far, I successfully followed tutorials for the analysis of RNAseq like this:
Unfortunately, all the tutorials available start by giving packages and descriptions about how to import into R but none of them shows how to import bamfiles not packaged.
I learned about how to look into bamfile for example by running this commands:
library(Rsamtools) bam1 <-"test.bam" bam1 <-scanBam("test.bam") bam1
so that I can look what's inside but after that I'm stopped because I don't know how to proceed.
I would be super happy to receive some help, just for one step forward.
Thank you very much
Can you say a bit more about what you are trying to do? What exactly do you mean by 'analyze a couple of bamfiles' and also what do you mean by 'import bamfiles not packaged'?
Hi James,
I want to do differential gene expression analysis, same as described in the link but using my own bamfiles.
The link provides a package named airway which is easy to import into R following the description but I can not do the same thing with my files.
Don't answer your own question unless you are answering your own question. Instead use the ADD REPLY button and type in the box that pops up.
ok sorry about that