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Last seen 6.8 years ago
I'm not sure if this is a bug, or a limitation of predict()
, but when I try to use predict()
on an PLS object created by opls()
where X and Y are both matrices with multiple columns, it throws an error.
train.X <- dataMatrix[1:130, ]
train.Y <- sampleMetadata[1:130, 1:2]
sacurine.pls <- opls(train.X, as.matrix(train.Y))
#> PLS
#> 130 samples x 109 variables and 2 responses
#> standard scaling of predictors and response(s)
#> R2X(cum) R2Y(cum) Q2(cum) RMSEE pre ort
#> Total 0.203 0.343 0.156 6.19 2 0
test.X <- dataMatrix[131:183, ]
predict(sacurine.pls, test.X)
#> Error in dimnames(predMCNFcVcn) <- list(rownames(newdata), "pred"): length of 'dimnames' [2] not equal to array extent
#> Session info -------------------------------------------------------------
#> setting value
#> version R version 3.4.4 (2018-03-15)
#> system x86_64, darwin15.6.0
#> ui X11
#> language (EN)
#> collate en_US.UTF-8
#> tz America/New_York
#> date 2018-06-20
#> Packages -----------------------------------------------------------------
#> package * version date source
#> backports 1.1.2 2017-12-13 CRAN (R 3.4.3)
#> base * 3.4.4 2018-03-15 local
#> Biobase 2.36.2 2017-05-04 Bioconductor
#> BiocGenerics 0.22.1 2017-10-07 Bioconductor
#> compiler 3.4.4 2018-03-15 local
#> datasets * 3.4.4 2018-03-15 local
#> devtools 1.13.5 2018-02-18 CRAN (R 3.4.3)
#> digest 0.6.15 2018-01-28 CRAN (R 3.4.3)
#> evaluate 0.10.1 2017-06-24 CRAN (R 3.4.0)
#> graphics * 3.4.4 2018-03-15 local
#> grDevices * 3.4.4 2018-03-15 local
#> htmltools 0.3.6 2017-04-28 cran (@0.3.6)
#> knitr 1.20 2018-02-20 CRAN (R 3.4.3)
#> magrittr 1.5 2014-11-22 CRAN (R 3.4.0)
#> memoise 1.1.0 2017-04-21 CRAN (R 3.4.0)
#> methods * 3.4.4 2018-03-15 local
#> parallel 3.4.4 2018-03-15 local
#> Rcpp 0.12.17 2018-05-18 CRAN (R 3.4.4)
#> rmarkdown 1.9 2018-03-01 CRAN (R 3.4.3)
#> ropls * 1.8.0 2017-04-25 Bioconductor
#> rprojroot 1.3-2 2018-01-03 CRAN (R 3.4.3)
#> stats * 3.4.4 2018-03-15 local
#> stringi 1.2.2 2018-05-02 CRAN (R 3.4.4)
#> stringr 1.3.1 2018-05-10 CRAN (R 3.4.4)
#> tools 3.4.4 2018-03-15 local
#> utils * 3.4.4 2018-03-15 local
#> withr 2.1.2 2018-06-07 Github (jimhester/withr@dbcd7cd)
#> yaml 2.1.19 2018-05-01 CRAN (R 3.4.4)