I am using your ATACseqQC to generate DNA footprinting for certain gene region.
I noted that for the function of factorFootprints, there is an argument of “bindingSite” to define gene region, so I did
something like the following:
which <- GRanges(seqnames = “chr1", ranges = IRanges(1000,2000))
factorFootprints(bamfile, pfm=CTCF[[1]],genome=Hsapiens,bindingSites=which,min.score="95%", seqlev="chr1",upstream=100, downstream=100)
But I got the error like:
> factorFootprints(bamfile, pfm=CTCF[[1]],
+ genome=Hsapiens,bindingSites=which,
+ min.score="95%", seqlev="chr1",
+ upstream=100, downstream=100)
Error in factorFootprints(bamfile, pfm = CTCF[[1]], genome = Hsapiens, :
all(!is.na(seqlengths(bindingSites))) is not TRUE
I am just wondering if you have an example to show how to use the argument of “bindingSite” to define gene region, then to get DNA footprinting for the defined gene region.
Thank you,
The bindingSites you set might not contain any CTCF binding sites. Please try to run the analysis without setting the parameter bindingSites. By default, the program will perform genome-wide search of the CTCF binding sites.