I am using openCyto for the analysis of my flow data. In general my script works already very nice. Short summary: I start by loading my ncdfFlowSet, transform and normalize the data, load my gating-template "gt"(.csv) and perform the automated gating like in the manual of openCyto.
gs <- GatingSet(ncdf_trans_norm)
gating(gt, gs, mc.cores=10, parallel_type = "multicore")
Now, I can display my plot hierarchy and plot gates for my populations .However, for the next analysis steps I want to do some comparisons and I would like to get MFIs (mean fluorescence intensities) from the channels per population. How can I do this?
Since I have no idea left I would really appreciate your help, even if it’s only a short idea what to try next.
Thank you in advance,
Veronika Rudolf
Thanks Mike. Works fine but it only returns MFI for the parameters used to gate the populations.
Is there a way to retrieve MFI for all colors for a given population?
Thanks in advance,