Hi, all,
I'm doing TF annotations based on their protein domains using RDAVIDWebService. For some of the analyses, I want to directly compare enrichments between two groups of TFs. In order to do so, I need to get their enrichment values for all the terms in the category. One can do this by setting count = 0
and threshold = 1
in getFunctionalAnnotationChart()
Unfortunately, this does not work - the query system can't handle count = 0
. Any ideas how to solve this short of going to the website and doing it manually? I have multiple gene lists, so this is essentially unfeasible.
# Connect to DAVID (new url from https://support.bioconductor.org/p/70090/)
david_url <- "https://david.ncifcrf.gov/webservice/services/DAVIDWebService.DAVIDWebServiceHttpSoap12Endpoint/"
my_email <- "your_email@domain.edu" # Be sure to register to DAVID before doing it.
david <- DAVIDWebService$new(email="my@email.edu", url=david_url)
# Define databases to query
setAnnotationCategories(david, query_db)
# Set gene list
some_gene_list <- c("ENSG00000139083","ENSG00000070444","ENSG00000118260","ENSG00000105967", "ENSG00000123685","ENSG00000163435","ENSG00000126456","ENSG00000168621","ENSG00000117595","ENSG00000126767")
addList(david, some_gene_list, idType = "ENSEMBL_GENE_ID", listName = "test", listType = "Gene")
# Run
getFunctionalAnnotationChart(david, threshold = 1, count = 0)
Which will crash:
Error in .jcall("RJavaTools", "Ljava/lang/Object;", "invokeMethod", cl, :
org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Exception occurred while trying to invoke service method getChartReport
I appreciate any input and will be happy to give more details.