I need advice on the RNA-seq analysis results that I did using DESeq2. I have 4 experiments each with 3 biological replicates. At first I analyzed them all together. I put in the batch effect in the DESeq2 model.
PCA plot of all the experiments together:
and the raw p-values distribution:
Since p-values distribution for group 3 vs. group 2 is "hill-shaped", and since group 2 and group 3 clustering together separately from the other two groups, I decided to analyze group 2 and 3 separately.
The PCA shows two outliers, one for each group. However, even if I removed the outliers, the batch effect still contributed to the first PCA. So, I decided to not remove the outliers and run SVA to estimate the surrogate variables.
I used SVA to estimate two surrogate variables. These are the plot of the two SVA variables against the batch effect.
Although only the first SVA strongly correlate with the batch effect, I decided to include both variables in DESeq2 model. Not sure if I should just include 1 sva variable. So, deseq2 design is set as follows:
DESeq2Table.sva$SV1 <- svseq$sv[,1] DESeq2Table.sva$SV2 <- svseq$sv[,2] design(DESeq2Table.sva) <- ~ SV1 + SV2 + group
My p-value distribution after applying sva is still hill-shaped.
So, I went ahead and applied fdrtool. This is my p-value distribution after fdrtool.
The p-value distribution now looks good.
But, the thing is because I thought the estimated dispersion does not exactly follow a normal distribution (is it supposed to follow a normal distribution?), I decided to try fittype='local' instead of fittype='parametric' that was used in the figures below. Bear in mind, the following figures are done on the analysis using all samples from 4 experiments.
dispersion plots using fittype="parametric"
and these are the dispersion plots using fittype="local"
The median absolute log residual (i.e. median(abs(log(dispGeneEst)-log(dispFit))) for the parametric is 13.93 and for local is 13.37. So, it does show that local fit is slightly better.
And now all the p-values distribution look good, including the group 3 vs. group 2 that was hill-shaped. Note, I did not apply fdrtool for this one.
So, now I'm confused as to which method I should use.
As a comparison these are the results using the different methods.
All samples using parametric
Test vs Ref | min baseMean | # down | # up | # total |
group 2 vs. group 1 | 10.15 | 2650 | 1905 | 4555 |
group 3 vs. group 1 | 4.5 | 3042 | 2472 | 5514 |
group 4 vs. group 1 | 2.38 | 3281 | 2765 | 6046 |
group 3 vs. group 2 | 5.8 | 44 | 83 | 127 |
group 4 vs. group 2 | 5.42 | 2178 | 2225 | 4403 |
group 3 vs. group 4 | 8.13 | 1775 | 1769 | 3544 |
group 3 vs. group2 with SVA and fdrtool adjustment
Test vs Ref |
min baseMean | # down |
# up |
# total |
group 3 vs. group 2 | 10.22 | 231 | 261 | 492 |
All samples with local fit
Test vs Ref | min baseMean | # down | # up | # total |
group 2 vs. group 1 | 3.27 | 3062 | 2308 | 5370 |
group 3 vs. group 1 | 2.3 | 3453 | 2987 | 6440 |
group 4 vs. group 1 | 1.74 | 3738 | 3304 | 7042 |
group 3 vs. group 2 | 7.58 | 85 | 113 | 198 |
group 4 vs. group 2 | 3.25 | 2681 | 2668 | 5349 |
group 3 vs. group 4 | 4.5 | 2233 | 2153 | 4386 |
As you can see, especially for group 3 vs. group 2, the number of differential genes varies a lot using different methods (parametric or local or sva + fdrtool). Now I'm not sure which gene list I should use for downstream analysis.
Your feedback is highly appreciated. Please let me know if you need other figures.
Thank you in advance for your time.
Hi Bernd,
Thank you so much for your advice. Really appreciate the time you took to read through my post and thank you for your kind words.
I am tempted to use the SVA + fdrtool result just because it gave me more genes to look at and also since you mentioned this approach is not wrong. However, I want to make sure I'm not picking and choosing the result that I like. Regarding the SVA, does it matter whether I use 1 or 2 surrogate variables? Also, when I estimated the number of surrogate variables it actually returned 4.
Another thing I was wondering about the result is whether using fdrtool is actually less conservative? Because if you look at the MA plots below comparing the (SVA + fdrtool) vs. one without, looks like features with log fold-change below |0.5| are the ones that are additionally identified by SVA + fdrtool approach. Or maybe because this approach are just more sensitive to detect smaller changes?
One additional question: if I decided to use the sva+fdrtool approach for one of the comparison, does that mean I have to re-do the analysis doing each pairwise comparison of groups separately instead of doing the contrast?
Thanks for the side note. You confirmed what I thought about the distribution of logged dispersion estimates.
If you are analyzing only 6 samples and you already have 2 variables (group and batch), then SVA cannot possibly estimate that there are 4 surrogate variables. After the intercept, 6 samples only have 5 degrees of freedom, and you need at least 1 residual degree of freedom to do any kind of hypothesis test, so the absolute maximum number of surrogate variables in this case would be 2. If it is estimating more than that, there's a mistake somewhere. More generally, 6 samples with 2 known variables really leaves too few residual degrees of freedom for SVA to be helpful, and I would be suspicious of any results from it. Running SVA on the whole dataset makes a lot more sense.
Thank you for the insights on SVA.
This is the code that I ran to estimate the number of surrogate variables.
With this I only have 1 variable (group). Does that leave me with maximum number of 3 surrogate variables? I did not save my previous run for estimating the number of surrogate variable, I must not remember it correctly.
Thanks for pointing out that with 6 samples the residual degrees of freedom for SVA is too few to be helpful.
Also, to expand on why Bernd's recommendation to use the local dispersion fit rather than fdrtool is the correct one: solving the root cause of a bias is nearly always preferable to accepting the bias and then trying to model it later in the analysis, which is what fdrtool does. If you were unable to identify the root cause of the bias, then empirical null modeling with fdrtool might be your only option. However, empirical null modeling is always going to be a compromise, because you never know if the bias you're trying to solve is limited to only a subset of genes, or has some other hidden structure that is not detectable just by looking at the p-values. For example, in this case, the subset of genes that behave badly are the ones where the parametric dispersion fit diverges the most from the local fit.
More generally, every method you apply in your analysis has a "cost" in terms of assumptions that it makes about your data. Every assumption that you make (or that is made for you by the method you use) about your data is another opportunity to be wrong. So if you have two models that both seem to address an issue in your data, then with all else equal, you should prefer the one that makes less stringent assumptions about your data, because that means the data are less likely to violate those assumptions. In this case, the local dispersion fit approach is preferable, since the only additional assumption it makes is that the dispersion trend can be modeled as a smooth function of the mean normalized count (as opposed to a curve with a specific functional form, which is the assumption that fails to hold for the parametric fit).