I've been using the shrunken log fold-changes generated by apeglm as the test statistic for gene set enrichment analyses when running the fgsea package. I have seen a paper that suggests the absolute value of Signal-To-Noise is a better metric than LFC: https://bmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12859-017-1674-0 However, the study was performed using microarray datasets; hence as you can calculate S/N from the output of apeglm (shrunken LFC / standard error of shrunken LFC), I was wondering if anyone has tried this approach with RNAseq datasets please? Would this be "valid" as the LFCs have been shrunk & may not be appropriate for calculating S/N ratios?
Many thanks for any comments/ideas.
Cheers, Richard.
Thanks for your reply Mike - yes, seems it's best to stick with the shrunken LFCs. Cheers, Richard.