Hi, I need a little guidance on the interpretation of multi-factor analyses.
I have the factors Stage (Q & W) + Treatment (treated & control)
I created the dds object with:
ddsT <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = counts, colData = Design, design = ~Stage + Treatment + Stage:Treatment) ddsT <- DESeq(ddsT)
resultsNames(ddsT) [1] "Intercept" "StageWvsQ" [3] "Treatmenttreatedvscontrol" "StageW.Treatmenttreated"
If I calculate:
results(ddsT, name = "StageWvs_Q" )
This will give me the comparison of Q vs W for Treatment condition - control, is that correct?
so then:
results(ddsT, name = "Treatmenttreatedvs_control" ) #--> treated v control for Q?
to get Q v W for treated (rather than control) would I need to do this:
results(ddsT, contrast = list(c("StageWvs_Q","StageW.Treatmenttreated"))) ?
and for treated v control within W:
results(ddsT, contrast = list(c("Treatmenttreatedvs_control","StageW.Treatmenttreated"))) ?
Thank you for any tips, Mark