I ran the SAM ->library(shiny) ->runGitHub("SAM", "MikeJSeo") Downloading https://github.com/MikeJSeo/SAM/archive/master.tar.gz The web openned. But after I upload the test data and click "run"button, the following message appared: Listening on Warning: Error in impute.knn: 没有"impute.knn"这个函数 132: reactive:getData [C:\Users\dabai\AppData\Local\Temp\Rtmp2RXCDe\shinyapp75413eb142a\SAM-master/server.R#40] 116: getData 115: reactive:getSamrObj [C:\Users\dabai\AppData\Local\Temp\Rtmp2RXCDe\shinyapp75413eb142a\SAM-master/server.R#383] 99: getSamrObj 98: renderText [C:\Users\dabai\AppData\Local\Temp\Rtmp2RXCDe\shinyapp75413eb142a\SAM-master/server.R#747] 97: func 84: origRenderFunc 83: output$samPlotText 3: runApp 2: runUrl 1: runGitHub Warning: Error in impute.knn: 没有"impute.knn"这个函数 172: Warning: Error in impute.knn: 没有"impute.knn"这个函数 118:
I have run these codes as advice elsewhere: ->source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") ->biocLite("impute")
However this problem still existed. Do you know how to deal with it? Thanks very much for your help!