I am trying to index the human genome with buildindex from the Rsubread package. However, I receive a fatal error with macOSX Mojave.
The genome has been downloaded from the UCSC server and all chromosomes are combined to a single fastA file. Repeats are softmasked.
# path to genome file
ref = normalizePath(path ="~/Desktop/work/fusion/work/alignments/storrage/hsa.fa")
# building the index
buildindex(basename = "hsa_index", reference = ref)
//================================= Running ==================================\\
|| ||
|| Check the integrity of provided reference sequences ... ||
|| No format issues were found ||
|| Scan uninformative subreads in reference sequences ... ||
|| 676060 uninformative subreads were found. ||
|| These subreads were excluded from index building. ||
|| Build the index... ||
|| 8%, 24 mins elapsed, rate=178.8k bps/s ||
|| 16%, 38 mins elapsed, rate=223.6k bps/s ||
|| 24%, 55 mins elapsed, rate=232.0k bps/s ||
|| 33%, 75 mins elapsed, rate=227.1k bps/s ||
|| 41%, 103 mins elapsed, rate=208.0k bps/s ||
Killed: 9
About the Mac
MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013) Processor 2,8 GHz Intel Core i7 Memory 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
As of now I am not clear how to handle this problem, advice is very welcome.
Great. Worked very well. What would be the suggested memory requirements to effectively work with the Rsubread package and the mouse and human genomes.
Thanks in advance