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Last seen 10.5 years ago
Maybe I am doing something wrong but when combining U95A and U95Av2
using function combineAffyBatch()
it seems that 197 probe sets from U95A and from U95Av2 are deleted
there are only 51 different probe sets.
Furthermore, it seems that probe sets which are available on both U95A
U95Av2 are deleted and not the different
probe sets.
Here is my code, which supports my statements:
# call libraries
# load CEL files from folders HG-U95A and HG-U95Av2
>x95A <- ReadAffy(celfile.path="HG-U95A")
>x95Av2 <- ReadAffy(celfile.path="HG-U95Av2")
# combine data
>res <- combineAffyBatch(list(x95A,x95Av2),
c("hgu95aprobe","hgu95av2probe"), newcdf="comb95")
>comb95 <- res$cdf
# rma normalization for combined data
>dat.rma <- rma(res$dat)
# rma normalization for U95A and U95Av2 separately
>x95A.rma <- rma(x95A)
>x95Av2.rma <- rma(x95Av2)
# store log2 of expression data as matrix, sort for AffyIDs, and
>dat.r2 <- exprs(dat.rma)
>d <- dimnames(dat.r2)[[1]]
>dat.r2 <- dat.r2[order(d),]
>x95A.r2 <- exprs(x95A.rma)
>d <- dimnames(x95A.r2)[[1]]
>x95A.r2 <- x95A.r2[order(d),]
>x95Av2.r2 <- exprs(x95Av2.rma)
>d <- dimnames(x95Av2.r2)[[1]]
>x95Av2.r2 <- x95Av2.r2[order(d),]
The following 25 probe sets are on U95Av2 but NOT on U95A:
[1] "160020_at" "160021_r_at" "160022_at" "160023_at"
[6] "160025_at" "160026_at" "160027_s_at" "160028_s_at"
[11] "160030_at" "160031_at" "160032_at" "160033_s_at"
[16] "160035_at" "160036_at" "160037_at" "160038_s_at"
[21] "160040_at" "160041_at" "160042_s_at" "160043_at"
The following 26 probe sets are on U95A but NOT on U95Av2:
[1] "119_at" "1215_at" "1216_at" "124_i_at" "125_r_at"
[7] "1301_s_at" "1302_s_at" "132_at" "1429_at" "1502_s_at"
[13] "1864_at" "1889_s_at" "1982_s_at" "36969_at" "383_at"
[19] "412_s_at" "426_at" "439_at" "787_at" "788_s_at"
[25] "985_s_at" "997_at"
This is corrrect, since I checked this also manually!
Thus alltogether 51 probe sets which are not on both chips, should be
eliminated by function combineAffyBatch().
Is this correct?
However, these are the differences between the combined table and
[1] "1142_at" "1143_s_at" "1144_at" "1145_g_at"
[6] "1147_at" "1148_s_at" "1149_at" "1150_at"
[11] "1162_g_at" "1163_at" "1164_at" "1170_at"
[16] "1172_at" "1173_g_at" "1174_at" "1175_s_at"
[21] "1177_at" "1178_at" "1179_at" "1180_g_at"
[26] "1278_at" "1279_s_at" "1280_i_at" "1281_f_at"
[31] "1283_at" "1284_at" "1285_at" "1286_s_at"
[36] "1513_at" "1514_g_at" "1515_at" "1516_g_at"
[41] "160021_r_at" "160022_at" "160023_at" "160024_at"
[46] "160026_at" "160027_s_at" "160028_s_at" "160029_at"
[51] "160031_at" "160032_at" "160033_s_at" "160034_s_at"
[56] "160036_at" "160037_at" "160038_s_at" "160039_at"
[61] "160041_at" "160042_s_at" "160043_at" "160044_g_at"
[66] "1609_g_at" "1623_s_at" "1624_at" "1625_at"
[71] "1627_at" "1628_at" "1629_s_at" "1630_s_at"
[76] "1632_at" "1661_i_at" "1662_r_at" "1663_at"
[81] "1665_s_at" "1725_s_at" "1726_at" "1743_s_at"
[86] "1745_at" "1746_s_at" "1790_s_at" "1812_s_at"
[91] "1818_at" "1819_at" "1820_g_at" "1821_at"
[96] "1823_g_at" "1837_at" "1838_g_at" "1839_at"
[101] "1841_s_at" "1842_at" "1843_at" "1876_at"
[106] "1881_at" "1882_g_at" "1883_s_at" "1892_s_at"
[111] "1894_f_at" "1903_at" "1905_s_at" "1906_at"
[116] "1922_g_at" "1936_s_at" "1937_at" "292_s_at" "293_at"
[121] "294_s_at" "295_s_at" "296_at" "297_g_at" "298_at"
[126] "299_i_at" "300_f_at" "301_at" "302_at" "303_at"
[131] "304_at" "305_g_at" "311_s_at" "312_s_at" "313_at"
[136] "323_at" "324_f_at" "325_s_at" "326_i_at"
[141] "328_at" "329_s_at" "330_s_at" "331_at" "332_at"
[146] "333_s_at" "334_s_at" "335_r_at" "693_g_at" "694_at"
[151] "695_at" "696_at" "697_f_at" "698_f_at"
[156] "700_s_at" "701_s_at" "702_f_at" "703_at" "704_at"
[161] "705_at" "706_at" "707_s_at" "711_at"
[166] "713_at" "714_at" "723_s_at" "724_at"
[171] "726_f_at" "727_at" "728_at" "729_i_at"
[176] "731_f_at" "732_f_at" "733_at" "734_at"
[181] "918_at" "919_at" "920_at" "921_s_at"
[186] "937_at" "938_at" "939_at" "952_at"
[191] "954_s_at" "955_at" "956_at" "957_at"
[196] "959_at" "960_g_at"
and these are the differences between the combined table and U95A:
[1] "1142_at" "1143_s_at" "1144_at" "1145_g_at" "1146_at"
[7] "1148_s_at" "1149_at" "1150_at" "1151_at" "1162_g_at"
[13] "1164_at" "1170_at" "1171_s_at" "1172_at" "1173_g_at"
[19] "1175_s_at" "1176_at" "1177_at" "1178_at" "1179_at"
[25] "1181_at" "119_at" "1215_at" "1216_at" "124_i_at"
[31] "1278_at" "1279_s_at" "127_at" "1280_i_at" "1281_f_at"
[37] "1283_at" "1284_at" "1285_at" "1286_s_at" "1301_s_at"
[43] "132_at" "1428_at" "1429_at" "1502_s_at" "1513_at"
[49] "1515_at" "1516_g_at" "1608_at" "1609_g_at" "1623_s_at"
[55] "1625_at" "1626_at" "1627_at" "1628_at" "1629_s_at"
[61] "1631_at" "1632_at" "1661_i_at" "1662_r_at" "1663_at"
[67] "1665_s_at" "1725_s_at" "1726_at" "1743_s_at" "1744_at"
[73] "1746_s_at" "1790_s_at" "1812_s_at" "1813_at" "1818_at"
[79] "1820_g_at" "1821_at" "1822_at" "1823_g_at" "1829_at"
[85] "1838_g_at" "1839_at" "1840_g_at" "1841_s_at" "1842_at"
[91] "1864_at" "1876_at" "1877_g_at" "1881_at" "1882_g_at"
[97] "1889_s_at" "1892_s_at" "1893_s_at" "1894_f_at" "1903_at"
[103] "1906_at" "1921_at" "1922_g_at" "1936_s_at" "1937_at"
[109] "292_s_at" "293_at" "294_s_at" "295_s_at" "296_at"
[115] "298_at" "299_i_at" "300_f_at" "301_at" "302_at"
[121] "304_at" "305_g_at" "311_s_at" "312_s_at" "313_at"
[127] "324_f_at" "325_s_at" "326_i_at" "327_f_at" "328_at"
[133] "330_s_at" "331_at" "332_at" "333_s_at" "334_s_at"
[139] "36969_at" "383_at" "397_at" "426_at" "439_at"
[145] "694_at" "695_at" "696_at" "697_f_at" "698_f_at"
[151] "700_s_at" "701_s_at" "702_f_at" "703_at" "704_at"
[157] "706_at" "707_s_at" "711_at" "712_s_at" "713_at"
[163] "723_s_at" "724_at" "725_i_at" "726_f_at" "727_at"
[169] "729_i_at" "730_r_at" "731_f_at" "732_f_at" "733_at"
[175] "735_s_at" "787_at" "788_s_at" "918_at" "919_at"
[181] "921_s_at" "936_s_at" "937_at" "938_at" "939_at"
[187] "953_g_at" "954_s_at" "955_at" "956_at" "957_at"
[193] "959_at" "960_g_at" "972_s_at" "985_s_at" "997_at"
Can anybody tell me if there is a mistake in my code or why function
combineAffyBatch() deletes the wrong probe sets?
Best regards
Christian Stratowa, PhD
Boehringer Ingelheim Austria
Dept NCE Lead Discovery - Bioinformatics
Dr. Boehringergasse 5-11
A-1121 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: ++43-1-80105-2470
Fax: ++43-1-80105-2782
email: christian.stratowa at vie.boehringer-ingelheim.com