Hello, I am not sure I am building the proper design formula for the question I want to answer
I have the following samples with three factors; clone, the structure and the condition.
clone structure diabetic
1 07 2D Dia
2 21 2D Ctrl
3 23 2D Dia
4 32 2D Ctrl
5 34 2D Dia
6 43 2D Ctrl
7 07 3D Dia
8 21 3D Ctrl
9 23 3D Dia
10 32 3D Ctrl
11 34 3D Dia
12 43 3D Ctrl
I want to pull the differentially expressed genes for structure (2D vs 3D) blocking by clone, and the one differentially expressed by condition (regardless of the structure variable).
I am not sure how to build the design in one call, therefore I have produced the first object to pull 2D vs 3D blocking by clone using the following.
des_structure <- DESeqDataSetFromHTSeqCount(sampleTable = samples,
directory = "../data/htseq_geneCounts/",
design= ~ clone+structure)
for the condition controlled by structure I have used
des_condidtion <- ddsHTSeq_diabetic <- DESeqDataSetFromHTSeqCount(sampleTable = samples,
directory = "../data/htseq_geneCounts/",
design= ~ structure+diabetic)
I am not sure whether this is the best way to build the designs.
thank you for your feedback.