Hi We would like to use Bioconductor in our VDI environment, Our users use R on their non-persistent Windows virtual desktops with no internet access. The users install R packages using command: install.packages("<package_name>,repos=NULL, contriburl="file:<path_to_lwindows_binaries>/"). We are able to install BiocManager using this command but loading it returns an error: Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘BiocManager’: .onAttach failed in attachNamespace() for 'BiocManager', details: call: NULL error: invalid version specification ‘Bioconductor version cannot be validated; no internet connection?’
How can we install and load Bioconductor packages without internet connectivity? Please, bear in mind I'm a system admin not an R expert so my knowledge of R is very limited :-) Step by step instructions will be very appreciated.
Someone else have posted this question and this is same scenario for us. We already have created local mirror for Bio conductor. I tried to follow instruction from a previous discussion from this link https://support.bioconductor.org/p/118980/ but nothing worked out for us. We are using Version 3.6.1 for R and version 1.2.1335 for R studio.
Thanks, Anwar