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Last seen 10.2 years ago
Dear list
I am trying to use goCluster
package with a list of my d.e genes and I am getting an odd result
that is rather different to the one shown in the user manual.
I start with a list of d.e genes from limma
Expression Set (exprSet) with
733 genes
6 samples
phenoData object with 1 variables and 6 cases
sample: arbitrary numbering
Configuring goCluster, I type "selected4GO" as the variable name of
the dataset, "rownames" as the variable name for the rows of the
I specify "rat230a" as the metadata package, and leave blank the next
step of the process, where the linker between genes and annotation is
asked for.
I attach an image of the output I obtain from
>display(selectedExecuted, selection = 2)
Is there anything I am missing?
Thanks in advance,