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I have a data file with three columns "Timepoints" "values" and "TimepointDescriptive". I am interested to obtain the curve line graph with the ribbons as described here. Line chart with error envelop: ggplot2 and geomribbon(). However, I do not see this pattern. Please assist me with this. I have attached the image in the link below:
Neg_DCt <- read.csv(file ="./CurvePlot/Test_data.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Neg_DCt$Timepoints <- as.numeric(as.character(Neg_DCt$Timepoints))
ggplot(data=Neg_DCt, aes(x=Neg_DCt$Timepoints, y=Neg_DCt$values, ymin=1.890175, ymax=8.49815, fill=Neg_DCt$Timepoint_Descriptive, linetype=Neg_DCt$Timepoint_Descriptive)) +
geom_line() +
geom_ribbon(alpha=0.5) +
scale_x_log10() +
scale_y_log10() +
xlab(as.expression(expression( paste("Timepoints (", T, ")") ))) +
Data file:
Timepoints values Timepoint_Descriptive
1 8.49815 1A
2 5.58935 2A
3 4.6713 3A
1 7.22285 1A
2 7.23855 2A
3 6.21435 3A
1 5.51335 1A
2 5.138025 2A
3 1.890175 3A
Output: https://imgur.com/vGwKMqG