I am trying to do some differential expression analysis with deseq2 at the moment and I have samples with four different conditions, two different batches and five different mouse. Here is the colData information.
condition precise batch mouse
ETI1_B13D B13D ETI1_B13D 2 1
ETI2_B13T B13T ETI2_B13T 2 1
Elsa1_B13T1 B13T Elsa1_B13T1 1 2
Elsa2_B13T3 B13T Elsa2_B13T3 1 3
Elsa3_B13D1 B13D Elsa3_B13D1 1 2
Elsa4_B13D2 B13D Elsa4_B13D2 1 3
Elsa5_BAT1 BAT Elsa5_BAT1 1 4
Elsa6_BAT2 BAT Elsa6_BAT2 1 5
Elsa7_BAD1 BAD Elsa7_BAD1 1 4
Elsa8_BAD2 BAD Elsa8_BAD2 1 5
I tried the "design ~ batch + condition" to see the batch effect on the samples but still the mouse which sample is derived from also has effect when I checked the clustering. Therefore, I would like to do the analysis with multiple factors. If I put the model as "mouse + batch + condition", it gives the error message as below,
the model matrix is not full rank, so the model cannot be fit as specified. One or more variables or interaction terms in the design formula are linear combinations of the others and must be removed.
Although I went back to vignettes to understand what I need to improve, however, still I did not get further regarding this. If possible, could you give me a piece of advise for analysis?
Thanks in advance!
I can't make heads or tails of your coldata the way its formatted, but I'm not surprised that your three term design doesn't work. Won't each mouse belong to one batch and/or one condition?
Hello! Yes, I asked the one who designed this experiment but she told that this designs were what she have done.