I am finding the differential peaks using DiffBind, but my sample has no replicates. And my SampleSheet
> dbObj <- dba(sampleSheet="SampleSheet.csv")
trisomy_21 fibroblasts trisomy_21 trisomy_21 trisomy_21 1 narrow
euploid fibroblasts euploid euploid euploid 1 narrow
> dbObj
2 Samples, 33153 sites in matrix (47495 total):
ID Tissue Factor Condition Treatment Replicate Caller Intervals
1 trisomy_21 fibroblasts trisomy_21 trisomy_21 trisomy_21 1 narrow 40820
2 euploid fibroblasts euploid euploid euploid 1 narrow 44391
When performing the differential analysis, I got the following failure
> dbObj <- dba.contrast(dbObj, categories=DBA_FACTOR,minMembers = 1)
Error in dba.contrast(dbObj, categories = DBA_FACTOR, minMembers = 1) :
minMembers must be at least 2. Use of replicates strongly advised.
> dbObj <- dba.contrast(dbObj, categories=DBA_FACTOR,minMembers = 2)
Warning message:
No contrasts added. Perhaps try more categories, or lower value for minMembers.
> dbObj <- dba.analyze(dbObj)
Error in pv.DBA(DBA, method, bSubControl, bFullLibrarySize, bTagwise = bTagwise, :
Unable to perform analysis: no contrasts specified.
In addition: Warning message:
No contrasts added. Perhaps try more categories, or lower value for minMembers.
> dbObj <- dba.contrast(dbObj, categories=DBA_CONDITION)
Warning message:
No contrasts added. Perhaps try more categories, or lower value for minMembers.
> dbObj <- dba.contrast(dbObj, categories=DBA_CONDITION, minMembers = 1)
Error in dba.contrast(dbObj, categories = DBA_CONDITION, minMembers = 1) :
minMembers must be at least 2. Use of replicates strongly advised.
So, replication is requisite for DiffBind? If not, what can I do for this case? Thanks very much.
Many thanks for your detailed interpretation. I got it.